Custom Components and Spares
Custom solutions from Allor-Plesh will give you components and spares that last longer, have a lower lifetime cost, and keep your production moving. Allor-Plesh will design and fabricate the following components and spares for your material handling systems:
- Custom Sprocket Solutions
- Custom Roller Solutions
- Chain Components
Custom sprocket solutions include rebuilding sprocket assemblies and designing custom sprocket components for heavy-duty applications.
Value-added roller products from Allor-Plesh allow us to take your original product and design an improved custom roller that will last longer and cause fewer production slowdowns for your material handling systems. Our custom roller solutions give you the rotary motion for optimal production.
Chain component manufacturing from Allor-Plesh has been proven in the most demanding industries. Allor-Plesh chain roller and sprocket solutions are engineered to reduce production slowdowns and increase your material handling efficiencies. Find out how by calling us at 248-486-4500.